Students should convey all audition rotation offers and confirmations to the Director of Fourth Year Rotations. Sometimes programs offer rotation dates that do not neatly correspond with the standard VCOM calendar. These situations will be reviewed individually; students should contact the Director of 4th Year Rotations to work through the options for their schedule.
Do not accept an audition rotation offer unless you fully intend to follow through with the clinical experience. Acceptance of a rotation offer is a professional commitment. If accepting an audition rotation offer involves cancelling or changing another rotation, be sure to seek advice from the specialty Chair and the Director of 4th Year Rotations. All changes must be documented and processed using the Rotation Change Form. Rotation changes must be approved by the Associate Dean of OMS4/GME. See the section below Rotation Changes for more information.
Requesting and Scheduling Elective Rotations at Non-VCOM Sites
If a student wishes to do an elective (non-audition) at a site that is not affiliated with VCOM and does not use VSLO or another application system, the student must personally contact those sites to see if a clinical rotation is possible. Additionally, the student must fill out the Non-VCOM Rotation Request form (see below) and get approval from the Director of 4th Year Rotations and the Associate Dean of OMS4/GME.
Submitting this form is considered a formal request to accept you as a visiting student. Fill out Part 1 of this form first and ask the site to fill out Part 2, including the preceptor’s signature and copy of her/his medical license. Once processed and approved, the Director of 4th Year Rotations will notify the student and update the portal.
Non-VCOM Rotation Request form (DOC) (Virginia Campus)
Non-VCOM Rotation Request form (DOC) (Carolinas Campus)
Non-VCOM Rotation Request form (DOC) (Auburn Campus)
If a site utilizes VSLO for all rotation applications, students should just complete the VSLO application. VSLO eliminates the need for the Non-VCOM Rotation Request form.
Rotation Change/Cancellation Request Form
Rotation change requests are reviewed by the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and are approved or denied based on policy and requested availability. Changes and cancellations must be done with at least 30 days’ notice in the fall semester.
Be aware that accepting a rotation at any site is a commitment and can’t be canceled without approval from the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs.
This policy applies when a student has been accepted to a rotation and subsequently requests to change it. If the site must cancel the rotation for some reason, the Rotation Change Form is not needed, but students should update the Director of 4th Year Rotations and any site coordinators involved.
For the most up-to-date policy regarding rotation changes, please consult the College Catalog and Student Handbook (PDF).