We are currently recruiting for the 2024-25 year program.
Acceptance to our ONMM3 Residency
Many applicants want to know how they can increase their chances of acceptance into our program or other similar programs. Keep in mind:
- #1 … Make yourself known to your main choices - rotate for at least 2 weeks
- Always, always remain humble
- Seek out NMM-OMM specialists in your area during your third/fourth years, internship, and/or primary residency. Spend time with them in office.
- Seek out primary care and specialist rotations with physicians that do OMM and integrate osteopathic philosophy into their practice whenever possible
- In you third and fourth year rotations and/or residency rotations:
- PALPATE TISSUE TEXTURE on every patient as part of your out-patient physical exam or hospital H&P
- REVIEW ANATOMY DAILY for 5-10 minutes
- Attend the American Academy Osteopathy (AAO) annual convocation each year
- Be sure to attend the first 2 nights sessions of “Evening with the Stars”
- Attend local / regional OMM Hands-On Workshops
- Download Dr Kozar’s lecture HO on Applying to NMMOMM (ONMM) Residencies
Skill development & medical knowledge is about the marathon, not the sprint