Sports Medicine Fellowships
In our program, sports medicine fellows acquire the general orthopedic and medical knowledge in addition to learning to apply osteopathic principles in the evaluation and treatment of athletic patients while working with athletic trainers, orthopedic surgeons, and other providers to create a holistic, comprehensive, and team approach to the management of the patient. An evidence-based approach is used to benefit the athlete patient as well as to promote wellness and provide a supportive rehabilitative environment.

ONMM3 Residency
The ONMM3 pathway is a one year program that can be completed after finishing any other ACGME-approved residency program. The NMM-OMM Specialist (current terminology for board certification once completing an ONMM residency) or Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine (ONMM) Specialist is a subspecialty in the medical profession.