Fred Rawlins, II, DO
Senior Associate Dean for Simulation and Technology
Center for Simulation and Technology
Office: Knollwood 247
Preferred First Name: Fred
Phone: 540-231-8410
Fax: 540-231-2001
- Received two 1st place awards and one 2nd place award at the 9th Annual Via Research Day
- Presented at the annual Osteopathic International Alliance (OIA) conference in London, England
- Presented at the annual Aeromedical Transport Conference (AMTC) conference in Nashville, TN
- Presented posters at the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) annual International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) conference in New Orleans, LA
- Presented at the 7th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy sponsored by the Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research (CIDER) at Virginia Tech, podium and poster
Selected Publications
Year | Faculty | Citation | PMID |
2019 | Cameron Sumpter, Frederic Rawlins, II | Stanco KM, Prater MR, Wubah A, Sumpter C, Rawlins F, Garner HR. Improving Medical Education by Coupling Basic Science Lectures and Clinical Rotations via ICD Codes. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2019 Apr 1;119(4):251-256. PMID: 30907964. |
30907964 |
2018 | Cameron Sumpter, Homer Sutphin, Frederic Rawlins, II | Wubah AA, Yankson JA, Sumpter C, Rawlins F, Sutphin D, Menier K, Garner HR. Evaluation of an ICD Logging System to Supplement an EMR in a Sub-Saharan Country. Journal of Hospital Administration, 2018;7(2). |
2017 | Cameron Sumpter, Homer Sutphin, Frederic Rawlins, II | Rawlins F, Sumpter C, Sutphin D, Garner HR, Quantifying medical student clinical experiences via an ICD Code Logging App. Int J Med Inform. 2018 Mar;111:51-57. PMID: 29425634. |
29425634 |